파이썬에서 datetime.timezone()을 이용한 시간대 설정

by joviansummer original STEEMIT post: https://steemit.com/blog/@joviansummer/datetime-timezone 파이썬에서 datetime.timezone()을 이용해서 datetime 객체의 시간대를 설정할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 한국시간(KST)은 GMT+9시간이므로 아래와 같이 설정해서 현재 시각을 구할 수 있습니다. import datetime KST = datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(hours=9)) now_kst = datetime.datetime.now(tz=KST) 시간대 정보가 없는 datetime 객체의 경우에는 앞의 예제 코드에서 정의된 변수 KST를 이용해서 아래와 같이 시간대를 할당할 수 있습니다. # 시간대 정보 없는 UTC 기준 현재시각 가져오기 - utcnow() now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # 시간대 정보 추가 now_kst = now.astimezone(KST) @joviansummer의 스팀 프로젝트 스팀 증인노드를 운영중입니다. @jswit에 증인투표해 주시면 감사하겠습니다. ( https://steemitwallet.com/~witnesses ) jswit 증인 노드 프로젝트를 시작합니다. jsup 업보팅(upvoting) 서비스 소개 jsup 수혜자 지정 기능 추가 jsup 2.0 - 업보팅을 다시 위대하게 jSTEEM 프로젝트 - 텔레그램 챗봇으로 구현하는 스팀 블럭체인 탐색기 Steemit-Search - 스팀잇 포스팅 검색 STEEM.NFT - 디지털 아트 보존 프로젝트

[EN] jsup-blog experiment: bridge between Steemit & Google Blogger

by joviansummer
original STEEMIT post: https://steemit.com/blog/@joviansummer/en-jsup-blog-experiment-bridge-between-steemit-and-google-blogger

Hello this is @joviansummer. I'm working on a new experimental service, "jsup-blog". This service aims to enable @jsup's delegator to send his/her Steemit post to his/her own Google Blogger(www.blogger.com) blog. I started to think about this project at the beginning of this year, and have been doing some dev work for a while.

It's not an automatic transfer to Blogger. Instead, eligible user will need to write a reply with specific keywords to his/her own post to request transfer. Thus, user can select which post to send.

I'm planning to open a testing phase to a few(max. 3 people for now) of @jsup delegators for start. If everything goes smoothly, maybe I could let more people on board after that.

One big advantage of Google Blogger is that you can find your previous posts quickly. You can search for your Steemit posts via another project of mine, Steemit-Search, but Google Blogger is more convenient when you're searching and skimming through your own posts.

Also, Google Blogger post will contain link to its original Steemit post. So, anyone visiting your Blogger page will be exposed to Steemit. If your Blogger site becomes popular, maybe you could connect it with AdSense, Google's advertisement platform.

To grant access of your Blogger page to @jsup, eligible user needs to issue an access token and register it with @jsup service. It's a bit tedious but inevitable procedure. Later, I'll write a post about it in detail.

Hopefully, testing phase will start before December.

Thank you for reading!

@joviansummer's STEEM projects

@jswit witness project:
I'm running a STEEM witness node. I'd really appreciate it if you vote for my witness account @jswit. (https://steemitwallet.com/~witnesses)
[ENG] Introducing @jswit witness project

@jsup curation project:
[ENG] Introduction to @jsup curation project
[ENG] Using @jsup curation project as an auto-voting agent
[ENG] jsup 2.0 - make your upvote great again

jSTEEM project:
jSTEEM project - STEEM blockchain explorer on Telegram messenger

STEEM.NFT project:
STEEM.NFT - Preserve your art on Steemit & IPFS

Steemit-Search project:
Steemit-Search: a simple website for post searching


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