파이썬에서 datetime.timezone()을 이용한 시간대 설정

by joviansummer original STEEMIT post: https://steemit.com/blog/@joviansummer/datetime-timezone 파이썬에서 datetime.timezone()을 이용해서 datetime 객체의 시간대를 설정할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 한국시간(KST)은 GMT+9시간이므로 아래와 같이 설정해서 현재 시각을 구할 수 있습니다. import datetime KST = datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(hours=9)) now_kst = datetime.datetime.now(tz=KST) 시간대 정보가 없는 datetime 객체의 경우에는 앞의 예제 코드에서 정의된 변수 KST를 이용해서 아래와 같이 시간대를 할당할 수 있습니다. # 시간대 정보 없는 UTC 기준 현재시각 가져오기 - utcnow() now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # 시간대 정보 추가 now_kst = now.astimezone(KST) @joviansummer의 스팀 프로젝트 스팀 증인노드를 운영중입니다. @jswit에 증인투표해 주시면 감사하겠습니다. ( https://steemitwallet.com/~witnesses ) jswit 증인 노드 프로젝트를 시작합니다. jsup 업보팅(upvoting) 서비스 소개 jsup 수혜자 지정 기능 추가 jsup 2.0 - 업보팅을 다시 위대하게 jSTEEM 프로젝트 - 텔레그램 챗봇으로 구현하는 스팀 블럭체인 탐색기 Steemit-Search - 스팀잇 포스팅 검색 STEEM.NFT - 디지털 아트 보존 프로젝트

[ENG] jsup 2.0 - make your upvote great again

by joviansummer
original STEEMIT post: https://steemit.com/blog/@joviansummer/eng-jsup-2-0-make-your-upvote-great-again

Hello, this is @joviansummer, developer of @jsup service.

Beneficiary feature of @jsup service has been updated. For more information about the beneficiary feature, please check the following post:

How to support your family members and friends with @jsup curation project

Previously, if you specified beneficiary, the beneficiary also received curation reward generated by upvote.

Now, there are 2 modes of support for beneficiary.

  • Upvote only: Daily upvote goes to the beneficiary, but curation/passive reward goes to the delegator. If the beneficiary does not write post, passive reward goes to the delegator.

  • Full support: Same as before. Curation/passive reward goes to the beneficiary.

You can specify beneficiary by replying to the latest post of @jsup or @joviansummer. Default mode is upvote only. If you want go give full support to your beneficiary, please specify when you write a request.

For more information about curation/passive reward distribution, please check the following posts:

@jsup curation project will distribute your curation reward.

passive reward function has been added to @jsup service

You can support your family members and friends with more than 10x amplified daily upvote, and receive corresponding curation reward. It's a win-win.

Thank you for reading!

@joviansummer's STEEM projects

@jswit witness project:
I'm running a STEEM witness node. I'd really appreciate it if you vote for my witness account @jswit. (https://steemitwallet.com/~witnesses)
[ENG] Introducing @jswit witness project

@jsup curation project:
[ENG] Introduction to @jsup curation project
[ENG] Using @jsup curation project as an auto-voting agent

jSTEEM project:
jSTEEM project - STEEM blockchain explorer on Telegram messenger

Steemit-Search project:
Steemit-Search: a simple website for post searching


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